Alice in Wonderwall project – street mural project

This is the wall, way back pre-2013. grey and dull

so around 2013 i added some artwork, and it was using just my own paints and supplies, and for a laugh more than anything super serious.

Anyway, its june 2018 and i was asked to properly paint the wall for the council – this time they’d supply the paints and materials + a little spare if i dont waste my time. Here are some photos of how it all evolved.  Note they hadnt moved the rocks on the wall yet – i painted around them for a few days.

This is MuscularTeeth (me) and my youngest daughter Ava, giving me a hand. she helped paint some rectangles, and did an eye later on.




that wall is 15m long.

the wall is cement, im using brushes – its quite bumpy. not like paper at all.

here we get slightly technical. help from MuscularTeeth’s mother of all people. Thanks ma!


LOOK AT ALICE IN WONDERWALL ! about 60 odd hours of time, not including some help from “Mteeths mum”, “malkman”(girl in gasmask design is his) and Tam – a local who rocked up to help colour in.


Hope you like it. Found on corner of Euston Tce and Queen St Croydon, South Australia.